Friday, 18 January 2013

Staying fit and healthy

With the UK being hit with snow and reports in the paper of poor uptake by some groups of the flu vaccine. It is even more important to stay healthy at this time of year.

The last thing I need when running my own business is for that business that I am working hard to keep going, is left languishing whilst I am suffering in bed with flu.
So, if you are like me you need to know what steps can you take to try and keep yourself up and running.

1. Wash your hands.
This is probably the single most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of germs.
Just make sure it is warm water, plenty of soap and ensure you rub all of your hands for around 20 seconds with the soapy mix before rinsing.

2. The old adage of coughs and sneezes spread diseases is true.
So make sure you catch those coughs and sneezes in disposable tissue and then bin that tissue. If you are caught without a tissue to hand, cough into your elbow, you don't touch or shake hands with that.

3. Get the flu jab.
This is especially important is you are in a vulnerable group. Reports in my local press are saying that pregnant women are failing to go and get their jab.

4. Exercise regularly.
Try and get at least 30 minutes every day.

5. Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.
This along with the exercise will help to keep your immune system boosted, and so fight off those nasty winter bugs.

Hopefully doing this you will be able to fight off the bugs this winter, stay fighting fit and so not loose valuable business time.

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